Sunday, July 27, 2008

IDUG 2008

IDUG 2008
Hi, this is an invitation for IDUG India 2008 starting on 21st August 2008. IDUG 2008 for Australia and North America are already over but if you are a DB2 die hard you can catch up with the other two, India and Europe. IDUG Europe 2008 starts on October 13. Experience IDUG face-to-face and walk away with a host of new ideas, proven techniques, and professional contacts to take your utilization of DB2 to the next level.

The IDUG 2008 - India Forum will be hosted 21 - 23 August 2008 at Le Meridien in Bangalore, India, and will feature three days of leading-edge education delivered by expert users, consultants, and representatives of IBM, as well as other leading DB2 vendors. More than 30 technical sessions covering such diverse topics as DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, application development, compression, Dynamic Warehousing, PureXML, security, DB2 High Availability Features, and Database Partitioning will be delivered.
If this interests you can go ahead and click here to find out more.
To register for IDUG India 2008 click here.
To register for IDUG Europe 2008 click here.

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