IDUG 2008
Hi, this is an invitation for IDUG India 2008 starting on 21st August 2008. IDUG 2008 for Australia and North America are already over but if you are a DB2 die hard you can catch up with the other two, India and Europe. IDUG Europe 2008 starts on October 13. Experience IDUG face-to-face and walk away with a host of new ideas, proven techniques, and professional contacts to take your utilization of DB2 to the next level.
The IDUG 2008 - India Forum will be hosted 21 - 23 August 2008 at Le Meridien in Bangalore, India, and will feature three days of leading-edge education delivered by expert users, consultants, and representatives of IBM, as well as other leading DB2 vendors. More than 30 technical sessions covering such diverse topics as DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, application development, compression, Dynamic Warehousing, PureXML, security, DB2 High Availability Features, and Database Partitioning will be delivered.
To register for IDUG Europe 2008 click here.